"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Friday, February 15

Learning to listen...

Good morning. I wanted to pop in to share what I and hubby read in our couple's devotion this morning.
Even when our spouses misbehave or create difficult situations for us, we're to tune in to God's still, small voice and ask, "What is it you want me to learn from this? How are you stretching me at this time? What are you trying to do in my soul?".
Are you seeing how God can use the challenges of marriage to help us learn to listen to Him? In the heat of the moment, we often overlook this. It's often painful but so necessary for our own spiritual growth. Here's one last thought:
"God uses the challenges of marriage to teach us about ourselves. He uses our spouses to teach us how the other gender thinks and reacts. He uses marriage to give us perspective, and perhaps even a new outlook."
 *This is a quote from "Devotions for a Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas

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Regina said...

Thank you Tajuana. The world just doesn't get this. I used to follow a Christian run blog but nonbelievers are allowed to post. Oh my goodness the rude comments about Christian wives submitting to their husbands and claiming that women were property in Bible days. And sadly there are even "Christian" women who have this mindset.

Tajuana said...

No Regina the world will never understand. I find it even more discouraging when "Christian" woman think like and agree with the world. To top it off it is getting harder and harder to find like-minded women in the church. What ever happened to biblical womanhood? ~SMH
