"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Monday, February 4

TSW Daybook~ February 2019 edition


For Today: 2/4/19

Looking out my window
It’s cloudy and raining. Our high for today is 65 degrees.

I am thinking
About a lot of stuff. Got so much on my mind.

I am thankful
For my hubby. He’ll celebrate his 43rd birthday next week on the 15th.

One of my favorite things
Hershey’s bar with almonds. YUM!

I am creating
A seasonal menu plan. My plan is to have 6-week rotational dinner menus for each season.

I am wearing
A striped light blue and white shirt and khakis pants.

I am reading
Getting ready to start a new Bible Study (with the ladies from an online group). This time we are doing 1 Corinthians.

I’m watching
I’ve started watching the “Pride and Prejudice” T.V. series that aired years ago. I have only watched episode 1 so far.

I’m listening to
Nothing but raindrops on the roof at the moment.

I am hoping
I get around to shredding up some old mail and papers we need to get rid of. Got to keep the clutter down.

I am learning
Continuously learning to just trust God and casting all my cares on Him.

In my kitchen
Having my morning smoothie before I head out the door. This one is peanut butter banana.

Board room
I recently came across some pins with monthly Purge lists that look interesting.

Post Script
Have you heard of the Scattered Squirrel? She shares all kinds of printables to keep your life/home organized.

Shared Quote
Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do."
~John Wooden

A moment from my day
Finally got my Winter Walmart Beauty Box.

Closing Notes
Now that I’ve shared a little peek into my daily life with you, how about joining in or read other ladies Simple Woman Journal posts. Just head on over to our host site to learn more.

© My Life 0utside The Box 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. All photos, text, personal videos, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the blog author.


Regina said...

I had this whole response typed out and then I accidently closed the window and poof! My reply was gone. Anyway your smoothies is one of my favorite but I add cocoa powder. I've been having trouble with some diary foods lately so I use almond milk. Last week I thought I would give chocolate almond milk a shot. Oh my goodness it's awesome!
What are your plans for your husband's birthday?

Tajuana said...

Yes, I also Almond, Coconut, and Rice milk in my smoothies. The Rice milk is okay but not my favorite. I used the Peanut Butter as a protein replacement since I had no protein powder. I like the chocolate one best but also use the vanilla flavor too.
As for dh's birthday, we usually combine celebrating it with Valentine's Day. I cook up a special dinner on both days and of course, he has to have some chocolate cake :) I do heart shaped cupcakes or use a big heart shaped cake pan to make him a cake.

Regina said...

Oh that's so sweet! I'm not sure what Tim and I are going to do for our anniversary and Valentine's Day next week since they are a day apart. We don't have a lot of money to do anything so I will have be creative. I used to have a heart shaped cake pan but like many of our things, it got left at our old house in CA.

Tajuana said...

Oh honey I'm with you on the "don't have a lot of money to do anything". I too have to get creative. I usually fix something I know he likes ex: spaghetti or lasagna. I try to fancy it up by using a cheap tablecloth or bedsheet spread on the table. Then I grab some candles to put out there. With whatever pasta dish (or casserole) I have a side salad and use the recipe from here https://lovetobeinthekitchen.com/2013/03/12/garlic-texas-toast/ to make garlic toast with regular ole bread. I bought a pack of fake rose petals years ago that I keep reusing. I spread them on the table as well. I sometimes write little love notes on sticky paper and leave them where I know he will find them throughout the day. He LOVES this! You just do what you have to do :)

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Hi Tajuana,
I like Hershey’s bar with almonds, too. Yum is right.
Do you like the Pride and Prejudice so far?
Thanks for visiting me at Harvest Lane Cottage.

Tajuana said...

Hey Laura! I have watched 1 episode of Pride and Prejudice so far and it was good. Life's been busy so I'll have to watch more soon.
