"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Monday, April 6

My April 2020 Simple Woman Daybook

For Today: 4/6/20

Looking out my window
It’s nice outside and the weather feels great. I’m glad we can finally open the windows to let some fresh air in. Our high for today is 77 degrees. That’s well over 10 degrees higher than this time last year.

I am thinking
about how COVID- 19 has changed our normal way of life.

I am thankful
My family is healthy and for God’s provision during this Coronavirus pandemic.

One of my favorite things
    A new favorite of mine is dark chocolate with almonds. Once upon a time, I thought I’d never like eating dark chocolate. These days I'm hooked :-)

I am creating
Plans for a nice meal we’ll enjoy at home on Easter Sunday despite all that’s going on right now.

I am wearing
A blue blouse, blue capris, and flip flops.

I am reading
I have been struggling to keep up with the Romans Bible Study with all that’s going on. :(

I’m watching
As little news as possible. I choose to only watch the daily Task Force Briefings with my family. Outside of that I don’t watch or read anything that’s being said because it’s depressing nerve- wrecking hearing so many different people opinions about COVID-19.

I’m listening to
Nothing at the moment.

I am hoping
That this interruption in our daily lives causes more people to put their faith and trust in the Heavenly Father.

I am learning
To be content and not worry because Father God takes care of His children.

In my kitchen
We will be having Nicoise Salad for dinner. YUM!

Post Script
Here are some variations of Nicoise Salads to try (except I don’t like capers and I sub the Anchovy Fillets with the paste):

Shared Quote
“He will swallow up death forever,
And the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces;
The rebuke of His people
He will take away from all the earth;
For the Lord has spoken.”

A moment from my day

Enjoying a smoothie from my new Instant ACE. I plan to post my thoughts on what I think of it soon. I'm waiting on another goodie to get here in a few days.

Closing Notes
Hope you enjoyed a little peek into my life. Be sure to head on over to the host site to read other ladies' Simple Woman Daybooks.

© My Life 0utside The Box 2020. All Rights Reserved. All photos, text, personal videos, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the blog author.


Gayl Wright said...

Hi! I'm your neighbor again at A Simple Woman's Daybook. :) I enjoyed reading through your thoughts and I love the scripture you shared at the end. I'm afraid my post is a little bit long and I included lots of pictures. But I guess I just had a lot to share.

I really love your whole site. It's lovely to look at and points to our Savior all through.

Blessings to you!

Tajuana said...

Hi Gayl! I'm so glad you stopped by. Thank you for such kind words. That really blessed my heart. I do hope you come back again :)