"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Wednesday, April 15

Wordless Wednesday~ 4/15/20

I do plan to come back and share thoughts about this and my other newest kitchen appliance in an upcoming post :-)

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Regina said...

My thoughts about InstantPot go like this: "I want an Instant Pot". "But I don't need one". "But all my friends have one." "You have a perfectly good 21qt pressure canner/cooker, slow cooker which are 6qt and 7qt not to mention a large 22 at roaster. You.don't.need.a.Instant.Pot.""But you still don't one."

When we have someone bring a snack to Bible study,someone will bring a dish in an Instant Pot and i just drool. Over the Instant Pot that is!😊

Tajuana said...

Regina girl I'm gonna pray God opens a door for you to get an Instant Pot! My thoughts were so similar to yours before I got (won) my Instant Pot in 2018. It seemed like everyone was talking about how great it was. I was in la-la land when I would think about all of the foods folks were making with theirs. At the time it was nowhere in our budget to get one. I said to myself "be content with what you have". After all, I had 4 crock pots (different sizes), and a pressure cooker. Surely I didn't need an Instant Pot. I just wanted one because "it was going to make my life easier".

I remained content and thankful for what I had. Well fast forward to when I had to attend an online meeting (homeschool related). We knew there would be a contest at the beginning of the meeting, but the prizes to be won weren't revealed until later. They drew names for the prizes. Never in a million years did I think my name would be called as the winner of an Instant Pot. I didn't sink in until people started to congratulate me.

I have an old rice cooker but was thinking I would like to upgrade it SOMEDAY. Well, one day my hubby searched and decided he wanted me to have a new one. He liked the look of the Instant Zest so that's how I ended up with this. Whenever I get something new I just give away my old one to someone who needs it. I warms my heart to be able to bless someone else :)
