"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Sunday, September 23

Learn how to use Strong's...

Do you know how to use a Strong's Concordance when doing your Bible Study? If you don't, you can watch this video to learn how.

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Regina said...

I got a free Strong's Concordance at a clothing giveaway a few years ago and it's really helpful. I was very grateful for it because I could never afford one. Thank you for posting this.

Tajuana said...

We had one years ago but accidentally gave ours away with some other books we donated :( Thankfully we got this one for $10 in an online sale. That was a steal for this BIG book. Our previous one was not this big and we paid more for it a book store years ago. So in the end is was a true blessing.
