"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands". Prov.14:1 (NASB)

Thursday, January 31

23 years and a look back

Our 22nd Anniversary date

Today hubby and I celebrate 23 years of marriage. It's amazing how the years passes by so fast.  Marriage is such serious business and lots of work. I often say it is not for the weak and faint at heart. Every day is not a cake walk like the fairy tales from T.V., books, songs, and movies would have you believe. To be honest you'll have times of rolling up your sleeves and getting dirty. Life will throw many curve balls. Stuff happens that's out of your control. Plans don't always go the way you want them to.

After saying all that I can still say I'm blessed with the man in my life. 23 years later and he still makes my heart skip a beat. I'm glad God created the institution of marriage. I've learned it's not about MY happiness. God has allowed both of us to marry someone marred by sin to help us grow in Agape love, Grace, and Mercy. Most of all it helps shape our faith walk.

We've had an abundance of happy times. There have certainly been some sad times. Yes we've had many many trying times.  We've been through a lot and seen one another through many life changes. Here we are 23 years later still loving one another much more than when we first met, sharing moments of laughter, and still acting like playful young adults. I love and appreciate how my hubby NEVER forgets our anniversary. He has blessed me with such thoughtful gifts through the years.

Looking back I remember this beautiful card he gave me on our 16th anniversary with a box of one of my favorite candies (even though it's dark chocolate because it resembles one of the things I love most about him...his dark skin *wink).  I love the words on the card. Since it's hard to see I'll write what it says:

Sorry for the bad pic. It's an old one.
On our Anniversary
I'm so thankful to have you in my life...

I can't imagine finding my way without you.

You are my best friend,
the only person in the world
that I trust completely and utterly
with my heart and soul.

I love you more with each passing day and
don't know what I did to deserve you.

Happy Anniversary My Love...

From Cleveland

More bad pics. Sorry u can't see that yummy box of chocolates.
Happy 23rd Anniversary to my Boo! Love you always and forever :-)

© My Life 0utside The Box 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. All photos, text, personal videos, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the blog author.


Regina said...

Congratulations on your anniversary Tajuana! Do you have a picture of your wedding day you can post? The cake looks delish!

Tajuana said...

Thanks Regina! Sorry, no picture to post...long story.

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Oh dear Tajuana,
Congratulations! God bless you! I'm happy for you.
Your LIFESTYLE is paying off in big dividends for your family.
Be blessed with many many many more years in Jesus' name.
Laura Lane

Harvest Lane Cottage

Tajuana said...

That's so sweet Laura :) Thank you!
